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Local brands are often families or small teams that are handling every aspect of their business including: purchasing, payments, production, sales, warehousing, distribution and marketing.


Our mission is to step in and take the orders and deliveries off of their plate.


Which means the brand has more time to focus on manufacturing, and the customer has consistent deliveries and support from our team.


More time for them, means more production and more marketing, which is a win-win for everyone.


By adding local products to the shelves, a retailer can show their customers they are willing to do their part to invest in the well-being of the communities in which they are doing business.


By supporting the local economy and their sustainable food system, it allows them to be a part of the environmental movement, lessens their carbon footprint by decreasing the miles their food travels and offering their customers a healthy alternative to the brands that use harmful mass food production practices.



In addition to deliveries, we also offer support to our customers by staying up to date on the local market conditions, maintaining professional relationships with our buyers, vetting each brand prior to submission.


Once products are approved, we continue our support by providing order support, in-store visits, and being the direct line of contact for all brands that we represent.


This means that a retailer can offer multiple local items and have one point of contact for all pricing, promos, changes, recalls etc.


Buying from the Fine Food Merchant also allows in-store staff to order and receive all at once; instead of juggling multiple orders and direct deliveries; which frees up time and reduces labor costs.

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